Trail Boundaries

Please remember that Piney Rail Riders has access to the railbed only and any trails that are not leased or maintained by the club, must have permission from the landowner to access. As respectful riders, please keep your speed and noise to a minimum when passing camps or houses, and if you see suspicious activity or items that should not be on the trail, take a picture and contact any officer.


When you go riding, please report trash picked up, trail work, and /or moving rocks and obstructions. Send the information to Bob Guthrie at 814-229-9589 or [email protected]. Let us know the number of people helping, the date and time and the section of trail you were on. If you are on a section of trail, and it is in very bad shape and too much for your or your party to fix, please let us know as well.

Radio Communications

Staying in touch with other riders is an important part of riding. In case of break downs, medical issues or emergencies, you may need to get in touch with someone to help. Below are the main channel riders in our area use while on the trail.

  • Radion Channel 2 or FRS2
  • Frequency 462.5875

Trail Caution Areas

Please be aware of logging machines that are working on the trail. We ask that you are patient and courteous when you come upon the workers. We are trying to keep the trail open for both riders and workers. Thank you.